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Saturday, 31 March 2018

Mar 28-30: Of Prayer, Alpha, MPV and Good Friday

Start of March 28:

I woke up 5am today to attend the 3 Day Morning Fast and Prayer from 5:30am to 7am.

 After that, 4-5 of us Prayer buddies will gather for Breakfast nearby.

 Above: My Breakfast.  Below: MY Lunch.

 Above and below: Piano Lessons. 

 Above: Today's Election Boundaries tabulated and approved by the EC and Cabinet.  Gerrymandering explained.
 Above and below: My Family's Casa Tiara Studio for rental again.  RM1600 OR RM1700 with 1 car park beside lift.  Fully furnished.

 Above: My Dinner.

END OF March 28

Start of March 29:

 Above: My Breakfast after Day 3 of Morning Prayer

 Above: My Lunch.

 Above: Movie with my Prayer buddies.  Before Alpha.

 Above and below: Alpha in Progress...

END OF March 29.

Start of March 30.  Good Friday:

 Above: My Breakfast.

 Above: My Lunch.

 Above and below: Thinking of Buying this Kia Rondo (Naza Citra 2 Rondo) MPV.  RM27,000 OTR for a 2011 car.  Can loan up to 7 years with RM400 monthly installment.
 A call to my Church Mentor, I realised I can't afford as my Income is not stable.
 I don't need this MPV, All I have to do is Learn Manual and Drive Church Vans.  Either Nissan C22 Vannette OR Nissan Urvan.

 Red light by everyone around me.
 Above: My Lunch-Dinner (Lunner) at 5pm
 Above: Still Hungry so My Dinner at Kayu Jaya 33.  This Indomie Costs RM6.50.  The Teh-O-Halia Ais costs RM2.50.  Atas Mamak.
 Above and below: My cell group meeting at Church.

We took Holy communion among others.  After that, 5 of us guys hang out at Section 17 Mamak for 1 hour.  Reached home 11:30pm.

That's all folks, thanks for having the time and patience to read this blog entry.  

Friday, 30 March 2018

Blessed Good Friday and Easter Sunday everyone

Blessed Good Friday and Easter Sunday to all Christians.
Do this in Remembrance of Me...  

In 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26:
 For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, 24and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” 25In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” 26For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.

Here's a video on what is Good Friday.

Thanks for your time...

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Mar 24-27: Of Men Alive, Prayer and MRT Ride

Start of March 24, Sat.  Men Alive Explicit Gospel Study by Matt Chandler.

Above and below: Saturday service.

Above: Dinner at Ah Cheng Laksa.

END OF March 24, Start of March 25:
Above: Breakfast at Dream Cafe before going to Showroom duty.
Above: My Lunch, Below: My dinner.
END OF March 25, Start of March 26:
Above and below: took Feeder bus - MRT and LRT To Puchong Station collect customer car for Claim warranty.

Above: My Breakfast.
Above: After Collect from Service center, I drove the Customer Sonata to Pandan Indah TL Tint to fix his tinted.
Above: My Lunch at Pandan Indah.

END OF March 26, Start of March 27:
Above: Breakfast after Morning Prayer.

Above and below: New Raya Ad by our company Design Staff...

END OF March 27.

That's all folks, thanks for having the patience to read this blog entry.